Veterans Day Events
“For the veteran, thank you for bravely doing what you’re called to do so we can safely do what we’re free to do.”
Author Unknown

Wednesday November 8th 2023 the Coalinga Eagles are Serving Dinner to our Veterans. Please come out and show your support.

Saturday Morning at 7am at Veterans Park located at the intersection of 6th Street and Sunset, we will raise the Garrison Flag in Honor of our Veterans and those who have sacrificed so much. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please come and show your support. At 4:30pm we will once again gather to retire Ol' Glory. The Garrison Flag is huge and beautiful and it takes at least 15 people to respectfully and correctly fold her as we retire her for the evening. If you are available, we could very much use your help.

Saturday November 11th, the Coalinga Elks will be serving Brunch to our Veterans. Please come out and show your support.

At Reel Time Entertainment Movie Theater in Coalinga, All Veterans and Active duty Military are welcome to join us for a free movie on us. Please allow us to Serve You in this small way for the unmeasurable service you have given to our county. Please provide valid military ID upon arrival. God Bless our Service Men & Women-